Why wine matters
Everything has been going great with our group. I think it has really made a difference in being able to pick who we worked with, this has enabled us to collaborate more rather than co-author. Also, since it is a topic that we agreed on and found interesting makes us want to work on it. We have came up with some great ideas about advocating for wine! We all worked together when picking sites to use for the annotated bibliography and ideas for creating te 
Like Angela said, everything has been going great so far. Our project is moving along very well. We have openly talked about all of our ideas, so everyone's opinion is heard. We are hoping to give our audience a great visual with multiple facts to get our point across. We all are working great together and can't wait to share with the rest of the class. 
So far, so good. Our collaboration is working well so far. We have come up with sites that we all thought would serve as research to help our audience believe in our advocacy topic. We all thought that these sites offered different types of information, but all gave benefits for drinking wine. We are meeting soon to begin our design plan. We know that we want to create a visual that will have our facts and reasons why people should drink more wine right there. Our design plan collaboration will probably go just as well since we all like to bounce ideas off one another. This project so far has been successful in the working together aspect and we are making every effort to make sure we are collaborating and not co-authoring. 


    Bryanna Coons, Devin Kane, and Angela Williams. Preaching to the world one person at a time. Drink more wine.... or die. 


    March 2013

